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곱다 count (on one's fingers)

Associated word(s)

곱다 (one's teeth) be set on edge

Associated word(s)

    • at ease, refreshed, cool, fresh, refreshing: 시원ᄒᆞ다, 시원허다, 시언허다, 씨원ᄒᆞ다, 씨원하다

곱다 hide oneself

Associated word(s)

    • issue, pull off, subtract, take off, undo: 빠다, 빠이다, 빼다
    • be visible: 베다, 배다, 보이다, 바래지다

곱다 beautiful

Associated word(s)

    • finely, with tender care: 궤양, 고양, ᄀᆞ양, 고영, 궤영