Table of Contents


Cut, crack, tear off

< change, draw up, delay < relation (abstract relation)

ᄆᆞ르다, ᄆᆞᆯ르다cut (with scissors)
그치다, 기치다, 끄치다, 끈치다, 끈다, 끊다, 긏다, ᄌᆞᆯ르다, ᄌᆞ르다, ᄍᆞᆯ르다, ᄍᆞ르다cut
들다be sharp
동그리다cut out, clip
뜨다cut off, scoop up, slice
싸다, ᄊᆞ다light up, saw, turn on
지우다cut down, lay
다지다harden, hash, mince
썰다chop, hash
벌러지다, 까지다, 께여지다, 거꺼지다be broken
버르다, 벌르다break, chop, split
께다chop, crack, smash, split
금나다be cracked
찌지다, 찢다, 치지다, 칮다, ᄇᆞ리다break, tear
찌져지다, 치져지다, 칮어지다, ᄇᆞ려지다be torn, tear
가끼다, 게끼다be cut, be sharpened, be shaved, be sheared
가끄다, 까끄다〜깎으다crop, cut, sharpen, shave, shear
비다, 버이다, 베다chop, cut, hew, mow
뜯다fleece, pluck, tear
ᄐᆞᆮ다gather, graze, open, pluck, tear off
물어튿다, 물어뜯다bite off
거끄다, 꺼끄다break
동나다break into pieces


< one after another, rattling, trudging < relation (abstract relation)

단칼에with a single stroke
그랑그랑, 가랑가랑, 거랑거랑in shreds, in tatters, into shreds, to pieces
갈가리, 갈리갈리, 갈기갈기to pieces, into shreds
오도독이snapping sound