Table of Contents


Crop, cut, sharpen

< stay, become, sharpen < relation (abstract relation)

지다come out
걷다clear away, remove, tuck
끌르다, 클르다, 크르다, 플르다take off, undo
뽑다pull off, take off, undo
빠다, 빠이다, 빼다issue, pull off, subtract, take off, undo
어그러지다get out of joint, go against
풀다blow one's nose, release, take off, undo, untie
ᄇᆞ리다, 버리다abandon, cast away, throw out
가끄다, 까끄다〜깎으다crop, cut, sharpen, shave, shear
가끼다, 게끼다be cut, be sharpened, be shaved, be sheared
ᄈᆞᆸ다pull off
ᄉᆞ꼬다, ᄉᆞ끄다, 소끄다thin out