Table of Contents
Culture, history, tradition
< culture, bathing, bow < activity (mind and activity)
Jeju | English |
문화 | culture |
문화유산 | cultural heritage |
세계무형문화유산, 넘은일, 민속 | UNDEFINED |
무형문화유산 | intangible cultural heritage |
역ᄉᆞ, 역사 | history |
호시, 호ᄉᆞ | extravagance, luxury |
초원테, 촌테 | rusticity |
풍습 | custom |
전통 | tradition |
Unpleasant, disgusting
< busy < activity (spirit and act)
Jeju | English |
현대식, 궁상스럽다, 수수ᄒᆞ다 | UNDEFINED |
궂다 | bad, disgusting, irksome, unpleasant |
궁상맞다 | shabby, miserable-looking |
옹종ᄒᆞ다 | petty and narrow-minded |
다닥다닥, 대닥대닥, 대작대작 | in clusters |
< Congraturations! < activity (others)
Jeju | English |
애걔 | how puny!, what a tiny!, gosh!, my!, oops! |
아차불쌍, 어불싸, 어불쌍, 어차불싸, 어차불쌍, 어풀싸, 어풀쌍 | oops!, hang it! |
둥게둥게 | UNDEFINED |